Same Day Jewelry Appraisals
Walk away with your jewelry and appraisal report in your possession in about an hour.
Walk away with your jewelry and appraisal report in your possession in about an hour.
We're conveniently located near Historic Old Town San Diego. Sessions are by appointment only and
are scheduled Tuesday through Saturday between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
Elliot Grunwald is an accredited jewelry appraiser with 7 years of experience in the industry.
San Diego Gemological Laboratory is a Certified Laboratory with the Accredited Gemologists Association. In addition, our appraiser earned and maintains the highest credentials and is a member of one professional appraisal and gemological organization.
We do not buy or sell jewelry, gemstones or precious metals affording you a truly unbiased appraisal. Your jewelry appraisal is performed according to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and the National Association of Jewelry Appraisers.
If the intended use of your report is for insurance purposes the cost is $135 for the first item and $85 for each additional item. This assumes there is nothing extraordinary about your item(s). Most items fall within these pricing parameters. However, if there is any additional cost, we will inform you at the beginning of the appointment.
Examination and necessary tests are performed while you watch. Your appraisal is a bound report and includes a full description, a digital image and a plot of all diamonds over half a carat.
You will walk away with your jewelry, and barring anything extraordinary, you will receive the bound report at the end of your appointment.